Wednesday Night Mixer League


Mixer League is in full swing. A big welcome to new players and to those regulars we see and enjoy every week. There is always room for more so come out and give it a try.

This year’s hosts are Yvonne Field and Gary Ruffle and Dick Harris and Anne Phillips. Gary sends an email out each week to invite people to sign up for the game on Wednesday.

This past week we played Silly Putts and you can see from the pictures that it was a challenge made for laughs. Some people were really creative in their use of the variety of putting tools found at each hole.

Despite instructions from Don, Dick missed his putt so Mabe had to finish the hole with style.

Usual Format: A 9-hole round, 6 players per hole – 3 men and 3 women if possible, but it does not matter – a “ghost” or two may make up the balance if the teams are uneven. Everyone is welcome… attached or not. We play a different game each week and try to have everyone play with different players each week so they can get know the whole group.

Fee: $2 per person to play the game. Prizes are paid from this from 1st to 4th place (depending on the turnout this may only be to 3rd place). (Green fees are $20 for non-members).

Our golf club restaurant is providing excellent food and service to us after our game. Big thanks goes out to the staff.


Please email Gary Ruffle at gruffle1 at gmail . com on or before each Monday if you would like to come out and play. Golf skills are not necessary. Closing time to register is 8 pm Monday evenings.

Your hosts,
Anne Phillips-Harris, Dick Harris, Yvonne Fields, Gary Ruffle

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